iSemantic 2023

Smart Technology based on Industry 4.0 : A New Way of Recovery from Global Pandemic and Global Economic Crisis

Universitas Dian Nuswantoro Semarang

September 16, 2023 - September 17, 2023

Detail Attending Parallel Session

Keynote Speaker

Prof Lalit Kumar Goel

Director, Renaissance Engineering Programme Professor, School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering Director, India Connect, Nanyang Technological University

Lalit Goel obtained his BTech Degree in electrical engineering from the Regional Engineering College, Warangal, India in 1983, and his MSc and PhD degrees in electrical engineering from the University of Saskatchewan, Canada, in 1988 and 1991 respectively. He joined the School of EEE at the Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore, in 1991 where he is presently a professor of power engineering. Dr Goel served as the IEEE Singapore Section Chair from January 2007 to December 2008, and as the Asia-Pacific Representative on the IEEE PES Governing Board from 2011 to 2016. Dr Goel received the IEEE PES Singapore Chapter Outstanding Engineer Award in 2000, and the IEEE PES Outstanding Power Engineering Educator Award in 2009. Dr Goel served as the Editor for the International Journal of Electric Power Systems Research (EPSR) from 2002 to 2019, and he is an editorial board member of the International Journal for Emerging Electric Power Systems. Dr Goel is a Fellow of the IEEE. He has published more than 190 international journal and conference papers in the areas of power system reliability, cost/benefit assessment, power markets and renewables.

Dr. Muhammad Aziz

Associate Professor Institute of Innovative Research, Tokyo Institute of Technology

Muhammad Aziz currently works at the Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo. Aziz does research in Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Environmental Engineering. Their current projects are mainly covering energy systems, renewable energy, exergy recovery and process integration, smart grid, electric vehicle utilization, waste to energy, generator operation, hydrogen production and utilization, etc.

Prof. Dr. Ir. Riri Fitri Sari MM MSc

Professor at Electrical Engineering, Universitas Indonesia

Riri Fitri Sari is a Professor of Computer Engineering at the Electrical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia (UI). She graduated with a BSc in Electrical Engineering from UI. She gained a Master in Human Resources Management from the Atmajaya University Jakarta. Subsequently she completed her MSc degree in Software Systems and Parallel Processing from the Department of Computer Science, University of Sheffield, UK, funded by British Council Chevening Award. She hold a PhD in Computer Networks from the School of Computing, University of Leeds, UK. Her PhD research was on Active Networks-based Congestion Control Protocols. Her current main teaching and research area includes Computer Network, Grid Computing, and ICT implementation. Prof. Dr. Sari is a Senior Member of the Institute for Electronics and Electrical Engineers (IEEE), being one of the 8% of Electrical Engineers Worldwide. Prof. Dr. Ir. Riri Fitri Sari is a reviewers for many competitive grant schemes of Higher Education Directorate General of Ministry of National Education, Ministry of Information and Communication Technology, National Research Board and Directorate General of Population Administration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Prof. Dr. Sari have visited some IT industries such as Microsoft Research at Redmond, USA, Huawei Tech in Shenzen, Wipro in Bangalore, Samsung in Korea. Dr. Riri Fitri Sari was awarded with a Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM) from from the Toastmaster International. She is the President of UI Toastmaster Club dan was the Area I5 Governor.

Enny Rachmani, BPH, M.Cs, Ph.D.

Universitas Dian Nuswantoro

Enny Rachmani, BPH, M.Cs, Ph.D obtained her PhD degree from Taipei medical University, Graduate Institute of Biomedical Informatics in 2018. Currently, She are Dean of Faculty of Health Science at Universitas Dian Nuswantoro. Her research in Health Literacy and e-health.