
iSemantic 2024 Conference will be held through Online and Offsite Seminar and Parallel Sessions


Only Accepted and presented papers within the scope of IEEE will be submitted for possible inclusion into IEEE Xplore.

Thus, non-presented papers will be suppressed from submission for possible inclusion into IEEE Xplore


The payment must be performed before August 19, 2024. For more information please follow the instruction below:

Registration Fee (For Author)




Early Bird


International participant (Author)

Author IEEE Member – OFFLINE

US$ 200

US$ 220

Author IEEE Member – ONLINE

US$ 165

US$ 185

Author Non IEEE Member – OFFLINE

US$ 230

US$ 250

Author Non IEEE Member – ONLINE

US$ 200

US$ 220

Student (Member IEEE) ONLINE or OFFLINE

US$ 100

US$ 115

Student (Non Member IEEE) ONLINE or OFFLINE

US$ 132

US$ 152

Accompanying person

US$ 25

US$ 25


Author IEEE Member – OFFLINE

IDR 2.800.000

IDR 3.100.000

Author IEEE Member – ONLINE

IDR 2.600.000

IDR 2.800.000

Author Non IEEE Member – OFFLINE

IDR 3.300.000

IDR 3.600.000

Author Non IEEE Member – ONLINE

IDR 3.100.000

IDR 3.400.000

Student (Member IEEE) ONLINE or OFFLINE

IDR 1.750.000

IDR 1.750.000

Student (Non Member IEEE) ONLINE or OFFLINE

IDR 2.000.000

IDR 2.000.000

Accompanying person

IDR 350.000

IDR 350.000

Extra page charge : 10 USD (Rp 150.000) / page


Author can register and submit paper via EDAS


Registration Fee (For Non-Submission Paper Author)



Early Bird







Regular IEEE Member

USD 50

USD 50

Regular non IEEE Member

USD 50

USD 50

Student IEEE Member

USD 50

USD 50

Student non IEEE Member

USD 50

USD 50









Regular IEEE Member

Rp 350.000

Rp 350.000

Regular non IEEE Member

Rp 350.000

Rp 350.000

Regular FORTEI Member

Rp 350.000

Rp 350.000

Student IEEE Member

Rp 350.000

Rp 350.000

Student non IEEE Member

Rp 350.000

Rp 350.000


Participants (non-authors) can register by visiting this link


- Domestic registration could be done by bank transfer to our account at :

  • Bank name: MANDIRI
  • Account number :1360087777717
  • Account holder name: UNIVERSITAS DIAN NUS
  • Bank branch name: MANDIRI KCP Semarang Candi Baru

- If you transfer the payment via ATM or E-Banking, you must enter the last 4 digits of paper ID as reference number and keep it as a proof of payment

*untuk pembayaran via ATM atau E-Banking, peserta harus menyertakan nomor referensi (Berita acara pengiriman) yang berupa 4 digit terakhir nomor paper anda.

Important Dates


Submission Deadline (Early Bird) May 10, 2024
Submission Deadline (Regular) June 14, 2024
Extended Deadline  June 28, 2024
Notification of Acceptance August 05, 2024
Submission of Camera Ready papers August 19, 2024
Registration Deadline August 26, 2024
Conference  September 21, 22 2024


Register for iSemantic 2024 here.


Only Accepted and presented papers within the scope of IEEE will be submitted for possible inclusion into IEEE Xplore.
Thus, non-presented papers will be suppressed from submission for possible inclusion into IEEE Xplore